Are there any tuition fees?
No, DLGS charges no tuition fees. However, students in the doctoral programme must be able to finance their study, which includes covering living costs and research costs. As a DLGS PhD candidate, you are also expected to enrol as a student at the TUD. TUD has an enrolment fee of around 290 EUR per semester, which includes unlimited use of public transportation in the region and around the city. For information see TUD International office.
How can I secure funding for my studies at DLGS?
DLGS Scholarships: A full-time scholarship for a period of three years and is offered by the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER). Applications are accepted once a year for a specific topic call or on a rolling basis for open topics of relevance. All applications must be submitted via the online application system and are subject to a selection process.
NEXtra Scholarships: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides funding for 3,5 years for a joint programme of IOER, UNU-FLORES, and TU Dresden. The call for NEXtra applications is announced once a year at
External funding: Applicants can enrol in the DLGS doctoral programme if they are externally funded. Applicants seeking external funding should inform us of any relevant deadlines and additional requirements set by the funding institutions. Extrenally-funded applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Independent, self-funded candidates are also encouraged to apply.
What does the DLGS scholarship cover?
In general, the scholarship provides the following: A fixed monthly stipend to cover living expenses in Dresden (Currently: 1.465€), funds to attend the DLGS academic programme (including German classes for international students), limited funds for project-related travel (incl. one international round-trip to conduct field work) and other research expenses, and the round-trip from the country of origin to Germany (both subject to approval by the DLGS Management Board). There is no additional family supplement provided to fellows accompanied by a partner and/or children.