DLGS 2020 cohort participates at the Methods Summer School of the STRN

The Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN) organized a week-long Methods School at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) from 06 – 10 June, 2022. Tieza Mica Santos from the DLGS 2020 cohort who participated in the training-workshop shares her key takeaways from the summer school.

"I am not a purist in my research approach and for a while, I struggled in terms of finding my place in the scientific community. Understanding the benefits and purpose of different methodological approaches such as Systems Dynamics, Foresight Methodology, and the clear distinction between qualitative and quantitative approaches was truly enriching. One of my key takeaways here was the affirmation that the varying ontological and epistemological perspectives of researchers shape not only their choice of methods, but also reflects how they perceive the world. This further validates my strong leaning towards an interdisciplinary research methodology because of the increasingly complex problems our society and the world currently faces."

The summer school was facilitated by some of the steering members of the network led by Floor Alkemade, Jonathan Köhler, Bono Pel, Anton Sentic, Lea Fünfschilling, and Frank Geels who presented their work and diversity of methodologies used in Sustainability Transitions research.